Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fuzzy For the Freezing

It's been pretty freezing around my neck of the woods lately, and I've found myself purchasing many a fuzzy piece of clothing as a result.  I have yet to tackle exactly how I'm going to be laundering these furry friends, but hopefully it will be as simple as a light hand-wash (hmm, perhaps I should write
a post about such things!).  Regardless, the fuzzy look has been doing me well in the "staying warm" department on these cold days.

The cold factor is a pretty big one in the "Lindsay really doesn't want to go out into the freezing weather to take selfies with a metal tripod" department either, so that accounts for a bit of the radio silence.  I'm working on it.  Hold your horses.

This being said, many of these next few posts were done with camera assistance from Drew.  I'm hoping we can get out to do more of these under the guise of exercise ("We can go running!  I'll just wear heels and bring a tripod and not move, but you can run!"), but we'll see ;-).  

Really though, I hope it starts getting just a little bit warmer so I can highlight all these great pieces I've been accumulating but not get frostbite in the process.

The Outfit and About it:

Urban Outfitters Raccoon Hat. I got this a few years ago for Christmas from my nama.  I love it, but our cat looks terrified every time she sees me in it.  Oops!

White House Black Market capelet.  I got this for Christmas this year, and I love love love it!  I am a bit obsessed with capes, and this is a super nice one.  I also love that I can have it zipped up but still show off the sleeves of my furry sweaters!

Forever 21 mohair sweater.  Originally purchased for Christmas eve festivities, totally transitional for winter and spring.  I wear this sweater so much now, it's crazy.

Forever 21 red dress.  I love this piece.  Already I've worn it a number of ways, my favorite being as you see here, layered under sweaters, for a cute skater skirt look.

Simply Vera tights.  My favorite grey tights!  Surprisingly grey is possibly the best color choice when buying tights.  It can bring an all-black outfit out of the dumps, and conversely, it doesn't try to compete with bright colors or patterns in other outfits.

Forever 21 knee socks and shoes.  I bought a bunch of knee socks because A. I needed socks, and B. I love the knee sock look, but wasn't sure if it would work for me.  Turns out I like to wear them cuffed at the ankle just as much as I like wearing them at full length!  Plus it adds some interesting detail to an ankle cut off pair of shoes like these.

- The Lovely Red Fox

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