Monday, November 30, 2020
The Last Vestiges of Fall
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Thankfulness and Squash Egg Pie
So far this year has been a pretty intense year for the books. From the virus to wildfires out west, to a major election in the US and more, we've spanned what seems like a decade's worth of major events in the course of nine months. I don't know what's behind door #10, but I can reflect on what I've been thankful for in this wild new world we're all living in.
I'm thankful for my wonderful husband and his unwavering strength through this troubling time, the laughs we share scrolling through memes on the couch at 1am, and that even though it's been hard to find "fun" things to do during quarantine, that that has been our only real challenge. I'm thankful for our health and our assuredness in each other to continue taking every precaution we can in this pandemic to keep each other and ourselves safe. I'm thankful for having an online business that requires very little in person contact save for making trips to the postal service drop off window (and I'm very thankful for our postal service!!!), and I'm very thankful that no one I know personally has had a severe case of the virus, that I know of. I'm also very thankful for our friends and family who we've been able to keep in touch with despite the distance. And finally, I've been so thankful for the little things — the pie pumpkins on the windowsill, the quiet stroll through the woods. And the time to reflect.
I already worked a great deal from home before the pandemic hit, so the shift into isolation didn't hit all at once for me. But over the months, and through the marathon and many seasons that this pandemic has been, it's slowly seeped into all the cracks and grooves around me. The desire so badly to be with other people again, but the overarching duty that sits in my heart that knows it's best for everyone if I just sit tight and hold on. So I've channelled the energy in other ways — working and coming up with new directions for my little creative hive here, and doing little things like decorating the porch and making a quiche.
We're headed into some pretty dreary days here in the Midwest — being that it's a region that I've lived in all my life, I am well acquainted with the reality of a Chicago winter. As much as I'd love to pretend the cold days aren't coming, I know they are. And I know that these things I'm thankful for I'll need to cling that much closer to to get through the next few months. But I also know that before long, it will be spring again, and we'll get to see the leafy buds poking out of the dirt, and hear the birds chirping their happy songs. I long for the first blooms and that first 50 degree day, as we head through some of the last 50 degree days of fall.
So thank you for reading.
Stay healthy, and stay safe.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Nature's Paint Palette
The compendium of colors that adorn the forest in the fall is always a thrilling delight. A pop of red, a golden plume, and then all at once, an expanse of glowing orange and yellow that stretches on and consumes. What an inspiring phenomenon. As L. M. Montgomery wrote, "I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers".