As you may or may not have noticed from my previous updates on the progress of our living room or various styling posts, there has been an area of our living room I've been hiding from you, folks. There may have been a glimpse of it in the original "embarking on the living room" post, but for the most part I haven't wanted to show you guys what it looks like, because, well, it really doesn't look a whole lot different than that original photo that was taken, oh I don't know, NINE MONTHS AGO. Whole baby humans have been grown across the world since I told you there was going to be magnificent things happening with our living room, and almost nothing has changed with our TV wall. I mean it's only the one part of the room we face pretty much all the time, and it's not like its the very first thing anyone sees when entering our apartment (please detect any and all sarcasm in that sentence). So here it is in all its glory:

Not to say that I haven't had some design dreams about this beast. I think actually, that the reason nothing has happened here is because I'm really pretty terrified of messing it up, or investing a lot of time/ money into it and then making a mistake. And the idea of that being the thing that holds me